There's a famous saying that goes as such: "Life's not about waiting for the sun to come out, it's about learning to dance in the rain."
I'm not saying that you should be happy where you are right now. I don't know your situations. But look for the small bits of happiness. Look for the people that are willing to give you hugs and the cute ducklings that just swam past your feet. Look for whatever makes you feel good.
If you need to punch something, go to a gym and meet a punching bag. Seriously, they do help release your angers and frustrations.
If you need to cry, showers are great places, but don't forget about family, friends, pets, stuffed animals, movie theatres (especially sappy movies), and many more places.
The one thing I don't suggest is to hide away.
You have an army willing to support you, so don't lie to them and say that everything is fine when it's not. How will people know that you need help if you don't say it?
I know it takes a lot of strength, a lot of courage, a gallon of humility, and a boat load of trust to ask for help. I really do. Because when my life wasn't sunshine, I lied to everyone that wanted to help me and then cried myself to sleep every night.
I didn't want to seem like I couldn't handle it. Like I wasn't perfect, or that I was the problem.
But I wasn't really the problem. And neither are you. So don't think anything else, no matter who says otherwise. Seriously, if they've got anything but love for you and you've done nothing to them that you couldn't undo, it's not you.
Hearts, hugs, and kisses!
Song of the Day: Mother Mother - Monkey Tree
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